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Public scoping meetings for the Department of Energy Uranium Leasing Program

July 28, 2011
by John Weisheit

Note: The Draft PEIS has been released and public comments are due on May 31, 2013.

Click here to visit the DOE website


Scoping Comments of participating NGOs:

Chronology of the 20-year withdrawal of Grand Canyon uranium claims. Grand Canyon Trust.


Public scoping meeting for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0472)


Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Laura Kilpatrick, Realty Officer
11025 Dover Street, Suite 1000
Westminster, CO 80021
Telephone: (720) 880-4338
E-mail: ULinfo@lm.doe.gov


August 8, 2011
6:30 to 9 pm
Montrose Paviion
1800 Pavilion Drive
Montrose, Colorado 81401

August 9, 2011
6:30 to 9 pm
Sheridan Opera House
110 North Oak Street
Telluride, Colorado 81435

August 10, 2011
6:30 to 9:00 pm
Naturita Community Building
411 West 2nd Street
Naturita, Colorado 81422

August 11, 2011
6:30 to 9:00 pm
San Juan County Court House
Commission Chambers
117 South Main Street
Monticello, Utah 84532

Background Information

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 is responsible for the increasing energy related activities and controversies across the nation and in the upper Colorado River basin. For example, hydrofracking of natural gas fields, exploitation of oil shale and tar sand reserves, and the mining and milling of nuclear fuels.

In the case of nuclear fuels, the market is not orientated towards domestic needs; these resources will be exported and will render the Colorado River basin to deal with the subsequent pollution and radiological exposure impacts.

For job creation, the reclamation of exisiting mining and milling operations during the Cold War Era is a more appropriate activity for the Uravan Mineral Belt of western Colorado. 

DOE and citizens must make recommendations to Congress to repeal the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and create instead a domestic policy that initiates energy conservation/efficiency with a framework of aggressively implementing renewable energy resources. Such energy policies exist in many developing countries, especially in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, which is also responsible for the current depressed prices in uranium open market.

To be continued....

This study was generated by a lawsuit

Link to Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)

Links to the previous Environmental Assessment


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