Talk about this article... GASCO's proposed watershed invasion of Desolation Canyon March 19, 2012 Waiting Period Ends April 16, 2012 Following conclusion of the waiting period, a Record of Decision (ROD) will be prepared and signed to disclose the BLM's final decision and any project Conditions of Approval.
Under Alternative F, the Agency Preferred Alternative, up to 1,298 new gas wells would be drilled from 575 well pads over a period of 15 years, resulting in approximately 3,604 acres of disturbance (about 2 percent of the total project area). Water evaporation facilities were reduced to 78 acres. This is adequate for the first 5 years of the project while other disposal options are developed and implemented. The BLM also incorporated the measures to minimize impacts to resources, while allowing for the development of valid existing rights. No surface disturbance would occur below the rim of Nine Mile Canyon, within one-half mile of the Green River, in 100-year floodplains, or endangered fish critical habitat. Under the Proposed Action (Alternative A), Gasco Energy Inc. would develop their existing oil and gas leases by drilling 1,491 wells from the same number of well pads over a period of 15 years, and by constructing 143 acres of evaporative ponds to dispose of produced water. The Proposed Action would result in approximately 7,584 acres of surface disturbance. This Final EIS is not a decision document. Following conclusion of the 30-day availability period, a ROD will be signed to disclose the BLM's final decision and any project Conditions of Approval. Availability of the ROD will be announced through local media, the Vernal BLM Web site, and Utah BLM's Environmental Notification Bulletin Board. Copies of the Final EIS are available for public inspection at the BLM Vernal Field Office, 170 South 500 East, Vernal, Utah, and at the following Web site: http://www.blm.gov/ut/st/en/fo/vernal/planning/nepa_.html Contact information: Stephanie Howard DOCUMENTS 00 Gasco Errata to Final EIS.pdf Talk about this article... |
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