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Scholarly Reviews of Governance on the Colorado River
June 27, 2014
by John Weisheit
Here you will find links to interesting papers written by scholars and attorneys about the goverance of the Colorado River watershed
1946 - Light on the Mexican Water Treaty
1965 - Statement of attorney Northcutt Ely regarding Arizona v California
1974 - Legal-political history of water resource development in the upper Colorado River basin.
Lake Powell Research Project Bulletin #4.
1980 - Navajo Water Rights: Pulling the Plug in the Colorado River
. Back.
1985 - Competing Demands for the Colorado River
. Getches.
1988 - Management and Marketing of Indian Water: From Conflict to Pragmatism
. Getches.
1990 - Agency Recalcitrance and Evasion Regarding Compliance with NEPA Relating to GC Dam Operations: A Documented Need for Congressional Intervention
. Lippman.
1995 - The Law of the Colorado River: Coping with Severe Sustained Drought
. MacDonnell.
1996 - New Options for the Lower Colorado River Basin
. Macdonnell.
1982 - Reclamation Reform Act
1997 - Colorado River Governance: Sharing Federal Authority as an Incentive to Create a New Institution
. Getches.
2000 - Undamming Glen Canyon: Lunacy, Rationality, or Prophecy?
Miller. (
2002 - The Central Arizona Project
. Hanemann.
2004 - A New Law of the River to Address the New Era of Limits on the Colorado
. Rossman.
2006 - Bureau of Reclamation in San Juan County New Mexico: Cadilac Desert or Sensible Development
. Moore.
2007 - From Colorado River Compact Challenge to the Next Era of Cooperation Among the Seven Basin States.
AZ Law Review.
2007 - Revisiting the Colorado River Compact: Time for a change?
2007 - Colorado and Western Water Law
. Greg Hobbs.
2007 - The Colorado River: The story of a quest for certainty on a diminishing river
. Kuhn.
2007 - Law, Environment, Dynamism, Reliability; The Rise And Fall of CALFED
. Owen.
2008 - 43 CFR Part 417 does not authorize federal agency adjucication of IID beneficial use of Colorado River
. Osias & Hicks.
2008 - Collaboration and the Colorado River Compact
. Mulroy.
2009 - Upper Colorado River Basin Compact: Sharing the Shortage
. Hobbs.
2009 - San Francisco Bay Delta Failure of Decision Making Capacity
. Hanemann.
2010 - Rethinking the Future of the Colorado River
2010 - "Stationarity Is Dead" - Long Live Transformation: Five Principles for Climate Change Adaption Law
. Craig.
2011 - New Adventures Old Bureau: Modern Day Reclamation & Congress's Unfinished Business
. Benson.
2011 - Draft: Risk Management Strategies for the Upper Colorado River Basin
. Kuhn
2011- The Colorado River and the Inevitability of Institutional Change
Kenney et al.
2011 - Colorado River Law and Policy: Frequently Asked Questions
2012 - Equity and the Colorado River Compact
. Robison.
2012 - Managment of Water Shortage Colorado River: Evaluate Policy and Viability of Interstate Water Trading
. Wildman.
2013 - Was Arizona Vs California a Victory for Arizona?
2013 - Upper Basin Voluntary Demand Cap: Means of Mitigating Uncertainty
2013 - Cross Jurisdictional Water Marketing
2014 - Truth and Consequences of the 1968 Colorado River Basin Project Act
. Udall.
2014 - Research Needs in the Colorado River Basin
. Colorado River Goverance Initiative.
David Getches
(law professor)
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