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River Journals

Letter asking Grand Canyon River Guides to decommission Glen Canyon Dam

From David Brower, Martin Litton and Ken Sleight.


THE CONFLUENCE: Journal of Colorado Plateau River Guides

ALL ISSUES COMBINED  (searchable & very large file)

Confluence #01 (1.1), Winter 1994 [2.8mb PDF File]                                                         

Confluence #02 (1.2), Spring 1994 [3mb PDF File]

Confluence #03 (1.3), Summer 1994 [3.1mb PDF File]                                                         

Confluence #04 (1.4), Fall 1994 [2.7mb PDF File]                                                        

Confluence #05 (2.1), Winter 1995 [2.5mb PDF File]                                                        

  • I Can Fix That!
  • Where the Hell Am I?
  • A Fish Out of Water
  • Fitz-Bew
  • R.I.P. Denis Julien
  • Whiskers
  • Quartzite Falls
  • Atlas DEIS
  • Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
  • And other things...

Confluence #06 (2.2), Spring 1995 [2.5mb PDF File]                                                        

  • Avoiding Conflicts
  • Frank Dodge Saga
  • CNP Backcountry Management Plan
  • Injuries
  • Papua New Guinea
  • The River Mild
  • Climate
  • Eon, Era, Period, Epoch
  • And other things...

Confluence #07 (2.3), Summer 1995 [2.9mb PDF File]                                                        

  • Action Alerts: Wilderness, ALP and Uranium Waste
  • Overflights
  • Droughts
  • Stories and Poetry
  • USGS Stateline Gauge
  • The Cutler Group
  • Climate
  • And other things...

Confluence #08 (3.1), Winter 1996 [4.7mb PDF File]                                                        

  • Frank Dodge continued
  • Piedra River
  • Icebergs in Cataract
  • Atlas Tailings
  • Affordable Housing
  • Mr. Fix It
  • Cataract Canyon Flow Regime
  • Microplate
  • Dolores River
  • Paradox Basin
  • Big Bottom Pictographs
  • High Water Redux
  • Endangered Fish
  • And other things...

Confluence #09 (3.2), Spring 1996 [3.7mb PDF File]                                                        

  • Jet Skis
  • CNP River Management
  • John Sumner
  • Grove K. Gilbert
  • Jewel of the Colorado
  • Westwater Canyon
  • US Reclamation Service in 1914
  • People Use in the River Canyons
  • And other things...

Confluence #10 (3.3), Summer 1996 [4.4mb PDF File]

Confluence #11 (4.1), Spring 1997 [4.9mb PDF File]                                                        

  • George Flavell
  • Nathaniel Galloway
  • William Richmond
  • Harry Aleson & Georgie
  • Humback Chubs
  • Defending Constitutional Rights
  • River Register Inscriptions
  • Canyonlands RMP
  • Crossword Puzzle
  • And other things...

Confluence #12 (4.2) Summer 1997 [4.7mb PDF File]                                                         

  • Bob Degles
  • Harry McDonald
  • Spillway Enhancement
  • High Water 1997
  • History of Rubber Boats
  • Charles Ray Sherrill
  • Crossword Puzzle
  • And other things...
  • Poetry and more...

Confluence #13, (4.3), Winter 1997 [3.8mb PDF File]                                                         

  • Mule Ear Diatreme
  • Steamer "Major Powell"
  • Wiliam Hiram Edwards
  • Westwater Canyon
  • Guide Training
  • International Boating
  • Wicked Winds
  • Never ask a geologist...
  • Crossword Puzzle
  • Poetry and more...

Confluence #14 (5.1), Spring 1998 [3.9mb PDF File]                                                        

  • Where Am I?
  • Law of the River
  • Who's Who? (Agencies)
  • Stress
  • Managing Conflict
  • Information Plus (A book report)
  • Upper Animas River
  • Animas La Plate Project
  • Educational Psychology
  • Personal Watercraft
  • Les Jones
  • U.S. Board of Geographical Names
  • Anazazi Symposium
  • Restore Hiking to your Repitoire
  • Calling and Conjuring Creativity

Confluence #15 (5.2), Summer 1998 [3.2mb PDF File]                                                         

  • Charles Butler Hunt
  • Recipe for Dilemma
  • Rubber Rafting Redux
  • Hetch Hetchy and Glen Canyon
  • Why I Left Outfitting
  • Confluence Inscription
  • David Dexter Rust
  • Buzz Holmstrom
  • Problematic Dams
  • Crossword Puzzle
  • The Prez Sezs and more...

Confluence #16 (5.3), Fall 1998 [3.9mb PDF File]                                                        

  • River Guide Poll
  • River Guide Interpretation
  • River Guide Information
  • River Guide Interviews
  • River Guide Feedback
  • White Bison Mural
  • Uranium
  • And more...

Confluence #17 (6.1), Spring 1999 [4.2mb PDF File]                                                        

  • Rethinking Western Water
  • 1998 Desert Waters Rendezvous
  • Life on the Rocks
  • Clarence King
  • Westwater Canyon
  • A. G. Turner
  • Frenchy
  • And more...

Confluence #18 (6.2), Fall 1999 [4.4mb PDF File]                                                         

  • Hunta Virus
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Kent Frost
  • Rock Shelters
  • Name Changes
  • Lost Inscription?
  • River Bed Case: The Decree
  • Weeds
  • San Juan Diary: 1952
  • Britt Ready and the Cadillacs
  • Sand Waves
  • Poetry and more...

Confluence #19 (6.3), Winter 1999 [3.6mb PDF File]                                                        

Confluence #20 (7.1), Spring 2000) [3.6mb PDF File]                                                        

Confluence #21 (7.2), Fall 2000 [3.6mb PDF File]                                                        

  • River Education
  • Letters
  • Neverland
  • Diary: Grove K. Gilbert
  • F. G. Faatz
  • Westwater Canyon Geology
  • And more...

Confluence #22 (8.1), Spring 2001 [3.6mb PDF File]                                                        

Confluence #23 (8.3) Fall 2001 [7mb PDF File]                        

Confluence #24 (8.2), Summer 2001 [3 mb PDF File]                           

Confluence #25 (9.1), Spring 2002 [2.0mb PDF File]                              

Confluence #26 (9.2), Fall 2002 [1.3mb PDF File]                                                         

Confluence #27 (10.1), Fall 2003 [2.1mb PDF File]                   

Confluence #28

Confluence # 29, Spring 2020

Confluence # 30, Fall 2020

Confluence #31, Spring 2021

Confluence #32, Fall 2021

Confluence #33, Spring 2022


Dam Operations
Public Notices


Back of Beyond Books
Barbara Anne Morra Memorial
Canyon Country Rising Tide
Canyonlands Watershed Council
Celebrating the Grand Canyon
Center for Biological Diversity
Colorado River Connected
Colorado Riverkeeper
Corey Allen Hale Memorial
Dive Into Democracy
Five Quail Books
Frank West Bering, Jr. Memorial
Friends of the Earth
Going Solar
Great Basin Water Network
Green River Action Network
Holiday River Expeditions
Las Vegas Water Defender
Living Rivers
New Belgium Brewing Company
O.A.R.S White Water Rafting
Paul Henderson Memorial
Peaceful Uprising
People's Energy Movement
Resource Renewal Institute
Returning Rapids Project
Rig To Flip
River Runners for Wilderness
Save The Colorado
Serena Supplee Gallery
Sheep Mountain Alliance
Steaming Bean Coffee Company
Tom Till Photography
Upper Colorado River Watershed Group
Upper Green River Network
Uranium Watch
Utah Rivers Council
Utah Tar Sands Resistance
Wabi Sabi
Waterkeeper Alliance

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