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Quotes from the documents listed in this section

1946 - "No sound planning can be done for new projects until the water budget is balanced again in some way." Northcutt Ely, former Deputy Secretary of Interior. Mr. Ely made this comment in a U.S. Senate Document after the Mexican Treaty of 1944 was ratified.

Note: The Mexican Treaty guarantees 1,500,000 acre-feet per year to the Republic. Prior to the Treaty, Mexico consumned about 750,000 acre-feet per year. Mexico has arable lands to receive water greater than 1,500,000 acre-feet. Mexico's agricultural waste water flows into the Salton Sea in the USA. The need and purpose of Lake Mojave includes storage of water for Mexico.

1954 - "The notion that Glen Canyon [Dam] is to be built to accommodate the lower basin and that the lower basin should bear the evaporation losses there, is a little far-fetched." Northcutt Ely, during testimony for the authorization of dams and diversions in the Upper Basin (CRSP Act of 1956).

1954 - "It is known that the Office of Indian Affairs construes article VII of the compact as meaning that (1) the Indian claims come ahead of the compact, are not chargeable to any State and the compacting States simply divided the residue after the Indian claims; (2) Indian claims relate back to the date of establishment of the reservation, even though not put to use, and take priority over uses by non-Indians even though the uses by non-Indians may in fact long antedate the actual putting of water to use by the Indians." Northcutt Ely, during testimony for the authorization of dams and diversions in the Upper Basin (CRSPAct of 1956).


Colorado River Basin Project Act of 1968

Colorado River Storage Project Act of 1956

Glen Canyon Dam

Hoover Dam

Upper Colorado River Compact of 1948

Arizona v California



Dam Operations
Public Notices


Back of Beyond Books
Barbara Anne Morra Memorial
Canyon Country Rising Tide
Canyonlands Watershed Council
Celebrating the Grand Canyon
Center for Biological Diversity
Colorado River Connected
Colorado Riverkeeper
Corey Allen Hale Memorial
Dive Into Democracy
Five Quail Books
Frank West Bering, Jr. Memorial
Friends of the Earth
Going Solar
Great Basin Water Network
Green River Action Network
Holiday River Expeditions
Las Vegas Water Defender
Living Rivers
New Belgium Brewing Company
O.A.R.S White Water Rafting
Paul Henderson Memorial
Peaceful Uprising
People's Energy Movement
Resource Renewal Institute
Returning Rapids Project
Rig To Flip
River Runners for Wilderness
Save The Colorado
Serena Supplee Gallery
Sheep Mountain Alliance
Steaming Bean Coffee Company
Tom Till Photography
Upper Colorado River Watershed Group
Upper Green River Network
Uranium Watch
Utah Rivers Council
Utah Tar Sands Resistance
Wabi Sabi
Waterkeeper Alliance

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